We are product of a shared vision of four longtime friends: a computer engineer, a robotics guy, an audio enthusiast, and a Russian scholar. The four are the first to bring an ambitious goal to reality: construct from scratch a fully functional civilian-made military-grade nuclear bomb capable of leveling a small city, and produce it for sale to the public. Several keystone prototype models have already been built, and are safely stored in the barn of the company's chief web developer. We at Civilian Nuclear vow to never detonate any of our devices, unless any federal agency attempts to investigate or thwart our efforts to provide nuclear equality to the masses. In the words of our founder: "Feds stay away, see another day." Check out our products page for more info!
Edmund Paquin
Ed Bio
Colby Santana
Colby Bio
Grady White
Grady Bio
James Brouder
James Bio